It's been a while since I've posted anything. I've been busy. Moving and adjusting to a new job has taken quite a bit of time an energy, and the shape of my life has gotten both simpler and more satisfying. I'm still sorting things out, but we've been in the new place for a couple of weeks now, and I've started thinking about things other than moving and working, and the stress I've been under for the last six months or so has eased a great deal.
Which leads me back here, after all.
Actually, it leads me to goal setting and scheduling my time, which are two things I haven't had time, energy, or patience for since the beginning of the year. It's nice to be getting back to it, and having a clear head and being able to see the forest and the trees is a nice change to the general state of things.
So, here I am, back at the keyboard at the end of a long, productive day.
I woke up at six, walked the dog for a half hour in the rain, ate breakfast, and sat down to write down my goals for the day. They were:
-60 minutes of exercise
-1000 words of new fiction
-1750 calorie limit, tracked, along with at least 100 ounces of water
-at least 10 hours or $200 from Ubering
-a new blog entry
I managed to get all of that done, with this blog being the final task of the day. Those goals are more or less the daily goals I've set for myself for the next month, except Sundays, when I won't be Ubering. I'm trying to get into a routine that makes me feel good, accomplishes what I need to each day, and helps me finally start taking real steps towards becoming a full-time fiction writer.
The rest of the week, I'll explain the changes I've made to put me firmly on the path, beginning with a big and terrifying career change back in July.
For now, though, I just want to say hello. This is the first day and first blog of what I hope will be a very long streak of daily blogging, writing, exercise, eating well, and living a life I've wanted, but lacked the conviction to pursue, for a very long time.
Welcome back to the blog. See you tomorrow.
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