Friday, June 7, 2024

Summer writing challenge with Kristine Kathryn Rusch

 It's been a minute.

I just signed up for the summer writing challenge with Kristine Kathryn Rusch. I'm a couple of days late to the party - she started the challenge on June 5th - but that's fine. Just means I'll have to play catchup.

Long story short, I need to get back to writing daily, and Kris is very consistent with her word count. That's how you become a professional fiction writer, after all.

So from now until Wednesday, August 14th, I have to try and beat her total word count. That's almost ten weeks of writing every day. That's exactly what I need right now to help me get into a routine.

I haven't done much writing at all since my triple bypass last May. It was all I could do to get back to normal and adjust to the return to work in July. Now, that was almost 11 months ago. Seems like I'm ready.

I've been spending my time mostly on hobbies and work, with some friends and family for good measure. Nothing wrong with that, but a writing career it is not. This is a wonderful motivational opportunity to get back on the proverbial writing horse.

What counts? Consumable words.

What does that mean? Anything I write for public consumption. 

So, this blog counts. As does any fiction writing that I plan to submit or self-publish.

I'm guesstimating I'll need to average about 3000 words a day to win the challenge. The full challenge is 70 days, and I'm two days behind, so I have some catching up to do.

Kris wrote 2205 words on day 1. I have no idea what she did on day 2.

I wrote 0 words on day 1 and 2 combined, so I figure I'm 6000 words behind. At least.

I know 3000 words is more than 2205, but being a professional writer, I imagine Kris is going to pick up speed as she goes and be super consistent. I need to shoot high every day if I want to win.

It will be interesting to see her daily word counts. An education in craft and discipline for sure. 

And it will be fun and frustrating to try and exceed them.

I can't wait.

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