Friday, November 20, 2020

Dog days

Today is our dog, Oscar's, second birthday. He's a sweet cuddle-wookie, and brings a lot of joy to our family. I love him, an our daily walks and playtime are as important a part of my days as breathing. Enjoy a picture of the handsome fellow.

He's a good boy.

Tonight, he will be joined by Midge, our new puppy. We are picking her up this evening. Oscar has been lonely since we moved and our roommate took the cat to Florida with her, so hopefully he and Midge will become fast friends.

I'm not looking forward to the housebreaking and sleep interruptions, but Meg said she'd take care of it as much as possible. Worst comes to worst, I'll just work until I'm so exhausted I'll sleep through anything.

Speaking of work, I didn't do any novel writing again yesterday. I'm a little stressed about my resistance, and I'm going to have to move myself to a tighter schedule with less distractions next week. I've been using the blog to get the day started, and it does get me writing after, but I want the full two hours in the morning for fiction writing, which means the blog has to move to the end of the day. That was my original plan anyway, so it's about time I stick to it.

Structure is definitely my friend. I fight it like hell, though. I'm still adjusting to holding myself accountable in all this, including being my own boss, and it's a lot to handle. I'm managing, and I keep telling myself it will get easier as I get used to it. 

I suppose wishing things would go smoothly is like politely asking a fire to stop burning and expecting it to listen. Life is chaos a the best of times. There are plenty of ways to deal with it, I'm sure, but those break down into two camps for me. One is to be flexible and take each day as it comes. I did that for a long time, but I never prioritized the things that were truly important to me. 

The second is to instill structure and discipline come hell or high water. I'm getting better at that, and my productivity has shot up as a result, but I'm still not where I want to be. I suppose I have to keep working at it until I am, but man, I wish I had some experience to draw upon. A stint in the military or a decade studying a martial art might come in handy right now, though I'm sure there are plenty of folks who have their shit together in those areas only to have the rest of their lives be a train wreck.

Listen, life is pretty good. I'm my own boss. I've got a great family, fantastic friends, and a couple of cool pups. I have a nice home, a yard to enjoy the occasional beer in, and a good solid reading chair. I'm actively pursuing my dreams.

What else could I ask for?

If these are the dog days, I want to be a dog forever.

See you tomorrow.

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