Monday, April 3, 2023

A new Oscar and Midge novel coming soon

Yesterday's Word Count - Blog 1017, Fiction 0, Total 1017

I got wrapped up in my own head yesterday and by evening realized I'd been avoiding writing all day. Not sure why, other than that old anxiety of not being good enough. Probably spending two days in a row writing about how much time this was going to require put me there. 

It's pretty easy to start seeing all that time as work, especially when starting out. It even feels like work, since I haven't gotten back in the habit of writing every day yet. So perfectly normal, but something to be aware of before I let it get out of hand.

Instead of talking about the words, today I want to tell you a little about what I'm working on.

The short novel I began yesterday is the climax to the Oscar and Midge stories I've been writing. In comic book terms, you might describe it as an Annual issue, where major storylines are wrapped up before the new year of stories begins. In episodic terms, it's the last episode of a season.

I love writing the Oscar and Midge stories. They are light-hearted and fun, but occasionally delve into surprisingly emotional depth, and I can go pretty much anywhere I want with them. And for this season-ender, I definitely have.

The novel is called "Catpocalypse Meow," and wraps up the Snowy storyline that's been carried through the first two short story collections and even the Oscar and Midge holiday novel, "The Dogs of Christmas Past."

Hoping to gain speed on the writing over the next couple of weeks, and my goal is to have this new Oscar and Midge adventure available by the end of May.

I'm also working on getting everything I've written so far available everywhere - three novels and six short story collections, plus a number of stand-alone short stories. That' probably going to take me the rest of the year. I'll announce them as they become available. Right now you can get everything digitally through Amazon.

Anyway, it's Monday, so I have to get ready for the day job. See you tomorrow with a nice fiction word count from this evening's writing.

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